English Conversation Lesson: Listen to a Real Conversation about Setting Goals
In this English conversation, Kate and I talk about New Year's Resolutions, setting goals, and our favorite things over the past 12 months.
This is a great way for you to learn everyday English. Here's what I recommend:
Watch the video…

Advanced English: Listen to a Conversation about Sleep in British and American English
In this English conversation, you are going to learn words and phrases related to the topic of sleep.
We talk at our normal speed and this is a great way to practice your listening.
If it's too difficult, turn on the subtitles. And be…

Listen to This Conversation in English about Summer - Lots of Phrases and Great Listening Practice!
It's time for another video where Kate and I have a real conversation in English.
This time, we're talking about summer!
This is a great way for you to learn phrases in a natural way and for you to practice your listening.
Watch the…

A Real English Conversation on the Future | To Fluency Podcast
Kate and I are back with another conversation. This time, we talk about the future!
(Be sure to listen for will and going to!)
Phrases Used in This Lesson
I’m kind of a pessimist
She’s such a pessimist
I try not to be a pessimist

English Listening Practice: A Conversation in English about Getting Sick 🤒
In the latest episode of the to fluency podcast, Kate and I talk about getting sick!
You're going to learn vocabulary such as:
to fight something off
... and you're going to learn some amazing phrases.

A Conversation in English About Houses | English Listening Practice
In the latest episode of Real English Conversations, Kate and I talk about houses.
You're going to learn vocabulary such as:
to live out in the country
to be obsessed with real estate
and much more
Be sure to…

A Conversation about Travel: Learn Real English 😀
In the latest episode of our new podcast, my wife and I talk about travel.
A few things to focus on:
how we use remember
the use of used to and would to talk about the past
how we use 'um', 'I mean', and 'you know' as fillers

Learn English Podcast: A Conversation About Thanksgiving (Pilot Episode)
It's here!
I'm so excited to share the pilot episode (test) of our new podcast here at To Fluency.
My wife and I have been talking about doing this for a while. And yesterday, we sat down and recorded our first conversation.
This will…

Conversation in English: Learn Real, Everyday English (Video)
You are about to watch the recording of a live lesson that my wife and I gave.
My wife is American and I am British.
Therefore, you will hear both versions of English in this conversation.
It's relaxed, informal, and we answer questions…