Past Perfect Tense: Simple, Continuous, and Passive (With Fun Examples)
English grammar can be a bit tricky (hard) for non-native speakers, and the Past Perfect Tense is no exception. Even though it is called the past ‘perfect’ tense, learning how to use it does not always happen ‘perfectly’!

Present Perfect Continuous Examples - Learn How to Use this Tense
In this video, I share some real examples of the present perfect continuous.
Be sure that you watch the video in HD. And then, subscribe to your channel here.
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Present Perfect Examples in the Negative
See some real examples of the present perfect in the negative.
And then, be sure to take our exercise.
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Present Perfect Examples (Video Transcript)
Hello. This…

Present Perfect with Just: Use the Present Perfect Simple in an Advanced Way
In this lesson, you will learn how to use the present perfect with just. You will see plenty of examples and also how to use the past simple with just too.
Watch the video lesson in HD and be sure to turn on the subtitles too.

Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous
The difference between the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous can be complex. It can also be flexible.
In this video lesson, I look at the two main differences between these tenses.
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Using the Present Simple to Talk about the Future
In this lesson, I explain how you can use the present simple to talk about the future. I also highlight an idiom that I use in the example video.
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English Tenses: "Haven't Been Swimming For" - Present Perfect Explanation and Examples
In this lesson, I talk about the present perfect, and look at the phrase "I haven't been swimming for months" that I used in one of my videos. I then give more examples.
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