How to use Get

10 Different Meanings of the Word GET (verbs, collocations, idioms)

Get is a power word in the English language. There are so many different meanings. This might be confusing for you as an English learner. But it's important to learn how to use this word. In this lesson, you're going to learn 10 of the…
19 English questions

19 Must-Know English Questions and Answers for Fluent Conversation (Powerful!)

In this English lesson, you're going to learn common English questions that you can ask when meeting new people. Memorizing these questions will mean that your conversation will flow. You're also going to learn the power of asking questions…
Giving Opinions 10 Phrases

Learn English Phrases: 10 Ways to Give Your Opinion (Lots of Examples)

Welcome! In this lesson, you're going to learn powerful phrases so that you can better give your opinion in English. Watch the lesson, read the article, and learn the phrases that you need to know for everyday English and so that you can…
English phrases time

15 Must-Know English Phrases for Conversational English with the Word TIME (Collocations and Idioms)

You’re reading this because you want to learn English. Some of the most used phrases in English are idioms and collocations. Collocation refers to a group of words that often go together.  I have taught about the importance of…
talking about sickness in english

73 Advanced English Phrases: Cars and Driving (Vocabulary, Idioms, and Phrasal Verbs)

In this English lesson, you're going to learn 73 phrases related to cars and driving. Watch the video, learn the expressions below, and then consider joining the program! Phrases Related…
English Romance Phrases

43 Advances English Phrases for Romance, Dating, and Flirting

I've got a great lesson for you! It's a video which teaches you 43 phrases romantic English phrases. This is how it works: Watch the video of David and Sarah meeting at a hotel barDo this at least twice (turn on subtitles)Go below the…
business English - describing charts 2

How to Describe Charts and Graphs in English 📈 12 Phrases You Need to Know!

Ready to learn KEY phrases that will help you describe charts, graphs, and trends in English? Watch the video lesson and then learn the phrases below! KEY PHRASES FROM THIS LESSON When describing an uptrend (see image), we can use go…
Thanksgiving & BF img1-Edit

Learn English Phrases: Things You'll Hear People Say on Thanksgiving and Black Friday

This is a fun English lesson that gives you phrases that you'll hear people say on Thanksgiving Day and on Black Friday. Hope you enjoy it! How long will this take? We’re using the verb take to talk about duration. You can use either…
5 British English Phrases

5 Common British English Phrases - Learn Real English!

In this English lesson, you're going to learn five phrases/expressions in British English. These are commonly used so you're learning English you need to know. #1: I’M KNACKERED Use this when you feel really tired. Notice the way…
talking about sickness in english

Learn English Phrases: How to Talk about Sickness in English (Free PDF and MP3 File!)

In this English lesson, you're going to learn key English phrases so you can talk about sickness. You'll learn some key differences between British and American English, the difference between sore and ache, and a fantastic idiom to use when…