
English Phrases: 7 Other Ways to Say I'm Hungry (with Video)
Want to expand your English vocabulary? Good news...
... in this lesson, you're going to learn 11 other ways to say "I'm hungry."
Other Ways to Say I'm Hungry in English
Firstly, you can use the adverbs SO and REALLY to add emphasis.…

22 Advanced English Vocabulary Words and Phrases for Better Fluency
Today, you're going to learn advanced English vocabulary.
What's more, the phrases in this lesson are from a natural English conversation Kate and I had about fall.
Watch the video and/or read the article below.

Learn Common English Phrases: How to Talk about Shopping and Clothes (with Video)
In this English lesson, you're going to learn common English phrases, idioms, and expressions on the topic of shopping.
Watch the lesson and then read the article for definitions and examples.