Do you know what level of English you have?
Knowing your level helps you know where you are right now and plan goals for the future. That is why I made the following video to help you with this.
In the video, I explain the different levels of English, how they are defined, and then I ask you a question that I want you to answer below.
Watch the video in HD.
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The Different Levels of English
In the video, I explained the six different levels of English according to the Common European Framework. These are:
A1: Beginner
This is where you can use very simple expressions and talk about yourself in a basic way. You need the other person to talk slowly to understand.
A2: Elementary
If you have an elementary level, you can understand frequently used expressions and give basic personal information. You can talk about simple things on familiar topics.
B1: Intermediate
If you can deal with most situations when traveling, describe experiences and events, and give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans, then you have a B1 level.
B2: Upper Intermediate
This is where you feel comfortable in MOST situations. You can interact spontaneously and with a degree of fluency with native speakers, and people can understand you without too much difficulty.
C1: Advanced
This is where things are really flowing, and you don’t need to search for expressions. This is fluency. And… you can use language in a flexible way for social, academic, and professional purposes. (Note: B2 and C1 might sound similar, but there is a big difference between them)
C2: Proficient
If you have this level, you don’t need my help! This is where you understand virtually EVERYTHING you hear or read. You understand humor, subtle differences, and YOU speak very fluently.
The Four Skills of English
In the descriptions of the different levels, I have focused on speaking (with a little bit of listening too).
That is because speaking is what most English learners are concerned about when learning English.
But be aware that you might have a B2 level for reading and A2 level for listening, for example. That is something to think about when evaluating yourself.
A Question for You
What I want to know is this: What level of English do you currently have? And, are you happy with this level?
Leave your comment below (and be honest!
I consider myself as a Intermediate learner. This reference is perfect to know the own level. But it seems a little bit subjective. I would want to know if you have a practical way to know our own level. For example, using number of words or video that we could understand. You could show us different videos ou ways to say something, in different levels. Thanks.
Hello Reginaldo. Thanks for your comment, and you make a great point. The problem with online level tests is that they usually test your grammar and not your overall English. It’s a poor test of your English speaking.
But.. you have given me an amazing idea about creating a level test for To Fluency Nation based on answering questions online, something that I might introduce soon.
Thank you!
I’m beginner.
Thanks for responding Muhammad. It’s great to have you as part of To Fluency Nation. Please let me know how I can help!
In my opinion I’m between intermediate and upper intermediate level I’m not sure about this, but the most important thing, is that I think my level is lower than these.
Thanks for your comment, Lucia!
b1 and no happy
You might need to make some changes:
B2 for reading, but surely a lower level for listening. Not very happy.
Thanks for responding, Guiseppe. Please get in contact if you have any questions about how you can improve.
Hi Jack, it’s Renata (from the Czech Rep. but have been living and teaching dance in Norway).You tought me over skype 3 years ago, I guess.You helped me with IELTS test.I am somewhere between B2 and C1.I think it would be great to get my English improved a bit again:-)
Great to hear from you, Renata. I would say that you are C1, especially with your time in Canada.
hello, I think my english level is B1 and I want more… least C1.
Thanks for responding. Please get in touch if you need help with reaching your goal.
Hi Jack, Thank you for providing this opportunity to get better or at least to self-evaluate our own level which makes us go further to improve our skills The problem with me with listening skills but also oral skills. I really cannot get occasions of English conversations which is a basic phase. Anyway I explained here my situation so that you could guess which level am I, especially I’m seeking for English-French translation. Thank you for help
Thanks for this comment, Lamis. From your writing, it seems like you have a high level. I just made a video where I explain how you can listen to more conversational English. Here is the link:
Thank you for showing these levels but I want level A1 because I want to improve my English
Do you mean that you want a C1 level?
Hi Jack, I’m Andrew from Egypt and I think my English level is B1 (Intermediate). My listening skill is not bad or so-so (if the speaker is not very speedy) and my problem is when I try to speak I’m getting more time and I’m forgetting words that I try to speaking. I wish to help me to improve my English level at least to C1(advanced level). Thanks in advance for your considerations and cooperation.
Thanks for your comment, Bilena. It sounds like you’re doing the right things and going in the right direction.
C2 proficient is my current level, I think so; however, I´ve mastered the language since young, so I am fluent and capable of carrying on a conversation without help. Some words I forget sometime; but, it´s part of my Hispanic routine. Additionally, certain degree of info passed by us and we lose it because it´s such a great deal to learn everything from both of the languages Spanish and English that I get lost the plot and want to be away in the ferries! I´d like to meet you for consultancy and identify from where my accent comes and also what I should do to improve my sociolinguistic competence. I speak like an 80 year-old man who only uses formal voca or enter into a topic using completely informal terms. It´s quite fun to perform better than others from every now and them, but it´s quite embarrasing to being in front of classmates who fancy producing the same language and cannot undertand you at all. My accent is too strong, I feel like a Londoner or a Scot a partiular day. Appreciate you piece of advice at advance.
Thanks for responding. The best way to speak the way you want to is to model someone. For example, if you want to speak like Brad Pitt, watch interviews and copy the way he speaks. Additionally, find friends who are around your age.
Regarding to your comment above, I oppiniate that I do not want to sound like someone else, I just want to sound like me; except that, my teachers say that I sound as a fake personaliser. I´ve got relatives in the UK, and they´ve got a kind of soft accent, I am pressured to speaking alike. But, I am in Venezuela, and people here do not fancy RP, EE, or any other variations of Brit accent. Sad, but it´s true! At university, all the chalkies produce a sort of American accent, and they do have a go at me each time they can. I feel heavy hearted. Please, send me proper orientation through this email address: Cheers!
C2 proficient is my current level, I think so; however, I´ve mastered the language since young, so I am fluent and capable of carrying on a conversation without help. Some words I forget sometime; but, it´s part of my Hispanic routine. Additionally, certain degree of info passed by us and we lose it because it´s such a great deal to learn everything from both of the languages Spanish and English that I get lost the plot and want to be away in the ferries! I´d like to meet you for consultancy and identify from where my accent comes and also what I should do to improve my sociolinguistic competence. I speak like an 80 year-old man who only uses formal voca or enter into a topic using completely informal terms. It´s quite fun to perform better than others from every now and then, but it´s quite embarrasing to being in front of classmates who fancy producing the same language and cannot undertand you at all. My accent is too strong, I feel like a Londoner or a Scot a partiular day. Appreciate you piece of advice at advance.
Thanks a lot.. honestly i am not sure what my level is..but i think B1..and i am not happy with that..
This level is very common. Please get in touch with me if you need advice on what to do next.
Thanks alot for showing us this video. .now, i think that my level is B1..of course.i am not happy because I want to speak English more quickly and understand each word I hear..
You’re welcome. Where are you from?
Hi Jack. I am Radmila, from Belgrade, Serbia. I think I am good at reading and listening, but not very well at speaking. That is because I do not have enough opportunity to speak with people who know English good enough. So, I think, to be honest, I am at level A2, and I am not happy at all. I frequently have to go to Austria where my son had lung transplantation and we go to regular control to Vienna. Because I do not know German, I communicate with doctors in English language which they know very well. Often, I am not able to find an adequate word which I need, so I have to learn more and more. Thank you for understanding that I have not enough time to open your emails regularly. I promise I will improve myself. I would also like, if possible, to correct my spelling and grammatical errors in this comment Best regards, Radmila, (Rajka)
You sent me the same message in an email. I have just replied to that. Thanks for commenting!
Hello Mr Jack.
Thank you for sharing the video.
I think my level Intermediate.B1
Thanks for commenting. And thanks for the email!
Hi Jack, I think my level is A2. I want to speak English and learn. I live in UK, but I am Hungarian.
Thanks for commenting. Where are you living in the UK?
Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 4:41 AM -0400 from Disqus :
My currently level is B1, I guess. I’m happy that I’ve already achieved such level and I’m interested in improving my skills as I’m going to be an engineer in oil and gas industry. I live in Ukraine
Thanks for this. Your attitude is really refreshing.
Hi!, my level is A1, i don’t feel happy because i need t improve my english.
Thanks for responding. Maybe you at a higher level than A1?
Maybe yes, but in some situations i feel my level is A1
Hi, jack.
My level is near from B2 i can understand and read , but i can’t speak very influency. I would like to get C1 soon
I hope the advice you’ve been receiving (through my book and emails) is helping you!
Yes, of course.
Thanks, jack.
I currently have C1 level , but I’m NOT happy with it . My goal is to reach C2 through your video lessons and emails . Please stay in touch ! THANKS A MILLION !
Always keep progressing. Thanks for commenting, Mollie. It’s great to have you!
Hi Jack, thanks a lot for your question and sugestion to find what level we are. My level is B1but i”m not sure for this. I’m between A1+ and B1 mabye less B1. I wont to be completely B1 this is my future goal.
I imagine you are around B1 (from your writing). Thanks for sharing!
Thanks a lot Jack for this Video. I have attempted IELTS exam twice and ended up with B2. But, personally and honestly I believe, my skills are still at B1 level and would like to push that to C2. My biggest problem is, not able to express my ideas in a natural way. When I start conversation with someone in English, always feel that my mind is blank and not able to express what I decided. It would be appreciated if you could help me to come out from this weakness.
Section three and four inside TFP will help you. Go through those methods and use them every day.
thanks so much for the information, my current level is B2, but I am studying to go further and get c1, beacuse my English is a little bit rusty. getting C1 will ensure my fluency and carry on a conversation without getting stuck. thanks again. I am from Spain
Thanks for sharing. C1 is your goal now. Keep up the good work!
For the language of mother England is one of trickery and expertise; one cannot entirely master the full extent of its beauty, its delicate grace and intricacy and as such it is only to be confronted by the most dauntlest and noble of all…
Jokes aside, I was doing some research on the upper levels as a preparation for my Cambridge English certificate and I must say indeed that you are a very qualified teacher as for your way of speaking with crystal clear clarity and your soothing voice. Keep up the good work!
As far as I am concerned, I already got my French DELF B1 certificate ages ago and was looking into finishing my phone nglsih studies with a C1 or C2 test by the University of Cambridge. When I made myself clear that I’m able to read medieval philosophical documents from Thomas Hobbes aswell as University level discourses on the biochemical processes in the course of photosynthesis and remembered my time when I had to speak in front of a huge crowd of judgemental Englishmen as an exchange student, I felt like I should accept the challenge. Let’s hope I didn’t overestimate myself.
My English is unbalanced. I’m pretty good at reading and listening (B1), but I have a problem with writing and speaking (A2). Honestly, I don’t need a higher level for my work or travelling. Actually, I hate travelling. East or west, home is best. But I think learning English is a really good exercise for my brain and I love learning, especially with you.
Thank you for your excellent and kind comment. Get in touch if you ever have questions.
My level is B2, but I want to work on it and confirm it until the summer and pass to C1 until the end of the year.
Great! Thanks for sharing.
My ielts score band 5.5 which means B2, but I am not yet satisfied at least C1 that ll be awesome.
I can help you get there. Did you get my book?
Hello Jack…. it’s a pleassure for talk to you even by chatting. Well, I consider of my english as B2 level because I can understand you something about 98% in any videos you’ve shared by now. In addition, when I talk to others, I can feel they can understand me easily. But I’m not used talking english a lot, that’ why I’m not sure about my pronunciation.
Great work on your progress. Push yourself a little more and get out of your comfort zone. Take it step-by-step.
Thanks a lot Jack!It was interesting information for me.
I’m glad you liked it!
Hello I’am Kevin, I’am seventeen years old and I come from Italy. and I suppose that my knowledge of English it’s very high, in fact, according to me, I think that my level of skills in this awesome language it’s c2 because of my grade of speaking, writing, listening and at last but not least reading it’s too fantastic.To take an example i could communicate with other people as the same easy way of my native language and this is a wonderful thing. But let’s talk about my challenge of learning English because it’s quite long to explain in a few words. I want to analise the topic by the advantages of knowing a language that is different by your mothertang. Firstly you haven’t anymore that sense of scared or You feel very proud of yourself. But it’s not easy, of course. If it is simple everyone could become a native speaker so If you want some useful information you never give up and more importantly, no pain no gain and you have to find out your way to make some interesting improvement so to sum up the conversation STAY HUNGRY, STAY FOLLISH
Hi Jack, thanks for your advices. I believe that it’s very interesting learn differents languages, including English. My level in this moment is B2, but I want to improve my level. I know that I can advance.
Thank you show much for this clip. now i can judge my level its B2.but my problem is cann’t spoke infront of crowd feeling huge nervous that situation.
My name is Lakshman i am from India, i got your website few days ago so i want to improve english fluency and my level is B1 Intermediate please let me know.
I attended PET exam and I got score 148 over all, speaking 158, writing 157, listening 139 and reading 138. and the level they mentioned in the certificate is B1. which courses can I join in and how can I improve my English to the higher level?
I’m level B2 and I’m kind of disappointed on myself? I mean I want to apply to a college on Canada next year, because I’ll end high school and all that jazz, and of course my country doesn’t have the best education in the career I want to study, but Canada does, and yeah I want to apply to a scholarship but I kind of need level C1 for the ”full” scholarship, so it kind of sucks. Anyways, do you have any advice to progress on your english level? And thanks you for the video, really helpfull
Thanks for this remarkable video, I am in level C2, and I hope to learn English for satisfying my need to learn other language alongside my native one. Secondly, it will help me in my major to develop a high qualification of learning. It was useful video I appreciate your help. Keep going
hi Jack! I am Ahmed Ragab From Egypt. I have just received my IELTS result and my overall score is 6.5 but for speaking, I achieved 5.5. It’s mentioned that I am at a B2 level and I am really not happy with that and I want to be more fluent to retake the test again and to get a higher score.That’s why I aimed to subscribe your videos
Thank you for this explanation. According to this framework, I think I’m in B1 level. I’m not happy nor sad. I’m gonna work hard to improve my skills. Actually, I can read and write easily in English as I could practice alone, but speaking fluently is the biggest challenge for me as I have no one to speak English with.
I think my level is B2 , I can understand every thing that I heard but I can’t speaking without thinking and translating in my mother thoung and I don’t know what should I do to speak fluently… :-((
And thanks a lot for your great channel too
you’re such a great person jack, i love ur way. My level is a2, how much time do you expect for me to get speak english well!
Thank you. Your progress is dependent on the time you spend learning English and what you do with that time. Here is a great method to use:
B2 hopefully
Hello Jack, I’m a C1 English speaker and I’ve got a CAE Cambridge certificate. I’m an English teacher and even though I spend most of my time speaking English in the class or with my workmates, I’m still not 100% confident I’ll be able to face a CPE exam. Would you say I could improve somehow reading your book or would you have another better suggest ?
Thanks a lot for this video Mr Jack ! I think I have a C2 level according to test i’ve done before almost 1 month
i believe c1,
i’m on c1 level because i took a placement test and that was the result, but the problem is i don’t interact with people at ALL,and if i did i speak as much as little i can, so i dont lose control on the conversation; and to add more info here i used to live in a north African country which English was often spoken and if it was it will a business terms,and currently im living in a west African country where the french language more spoken in all life areas more than then the native slang or English.
the problem is this i used to have passion about English,but now i dont know how or what to do it or even continuing on learning it any advice please?
if it happens and u saw my comment please tag me in the reply.
thank you.
According to various tests on the internet I’m upper-intermediate. I’m not happy with this level. I want to be proficient. Can you take me there?
Can you tell me what level I classify as, if I have a ‘B’ grade in a GCSE ‘O-level’ exam ?
i’ve took placement test a month ago and the result was B 1.2 (accumulation). how suppose i do to increase to B2 by myself?
Thanks so much, I think that my current level is A1. I want to improve my English and have a level B2