5-Step Plan for English Fluency2

Many learners of English work hard at improving their level.

They spend time watching videos and studying. However, the vast majority aren’t happy about their progress.

The key is this: you need a goal (with a deadline) and then a plan of action to achieve this goal.

That’s actually what this lesson does. After watching the video and reading the article, you’ll be able to create a fluency plan that will take you to a high level of English when you want to have this.

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Here is how to create a plan for English Fluency:

1: Create a Goal with a Deadline

This is my new favorite quote:

“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.”

Bill Copeland

Having a goal is the first step as this allows you to create a plan of action. As an English learner, you should create a goal similar to this:

My goal is to have a C1 level within 6 months. Watch this video to learn about the various levels of English:

The importance of having a deadline is due to Parkinson’s Law. This states that:

“Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”

Parkinson’s Law

In simple English, this means that if you have a one year to do something, it will take you one year to complete it. If you have 6 weeks, it will take you 6 weeks.

Choose a deadline that is challenging but attainable.

Write down your goal and move on to step two:

2: You Why

If you don’t have a strong reason to do something, you won’t do it.

We need to have the desire to complete a goal in order to create a strategy and to stick with it. So…

… why are you learning English?

Think about it. How would achieving your goal change your life? What difference would it make?

Motivation on its own isn’t enough (more on this soon!). But it’s what helps you take that initial step and stick with your plan over the long-term.

Here is a video to help you with this:

3: Methods that Work

Know that you have a goal, it’s time to talk about what you need to do in order to reach it.

What you do is vital. Certain learning strategies work better than others. For example, if you spend all day memorizing verb tables, this won’t help you.

With that in mind, here are four powerful ways to improve your English:

  1. Use the imitation method to dramatically improve your speaking
  2. Listen to English as much as possible
  3. Use this writing method to improve your grammar
  4. Read more in English by using this method

We all have limited time. It’s important to spend your time wisely and do the things that will actually make a difference.

It’s easy to sit back, relax, and watch YouTube videos in bed. However, use the above methods if you want to see a real difference to your speaking.

Here’s the method that I recommend you start following today:

4: How You’re Going to Do This

Knowing what to do is great!


… you also need to thing about how you’re going to use these powerful methods.

A problem that I often see is that, at the beginning, students feel motivated and study for a few hours every day. They make it a priority in their lives.

However, it’s hard to sustain this over the long-term.

What’s important is to make this part of your daily routine. Take a look at your schedule and ask yourself:

  • when can I use the speaking method?
  • how can I listen to more English throughout the day?
  • when can I practice my writing?

Use your motivation to create a daily study plan. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Instead, build some momentum and stick with your initial plan.

5: Take Consistent Action

You have your goal, your plan, and you have created a daily study schedule.

Now it’s time to get started.

This can often be the hardest part. It can be scary starting something like this.

Take it one day at a time. Do your best right now. Don’t worry about next week. All of these small steps will lead you to your goal.

It’s important that you stay consistent. That you study daily. If something happens – like getting sick – start again as soon as you can. Then, keep going.

To help you with this, hold yourself accountable. Share your goal with your friends and family. Join Facebook Groups and tell others what you’re doing and how you’re progressing.

Have confidence in your plan and stick with it.

Thanks for reading!

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